As-hole Built Series: Here is a post-it…

You all know we love as-builts (eye roll) … and Los Angeles 1920’s hillside houses are our very favorite to field verify.  The boss man innocently handed us two post-its with some sketches for the areas that we needed to focus on for our new Linwood project and we thought oh how great!  We only need to do the Kitchen and the Master Bath area… this will be easy peasy…  WRONG!

Well, that looks pretty simple. (PS LOVE our Believe Media Post-its and our custom Farmhouse clipboard! We know your jealous!)

In preparation for the field trip, we generated a site plan with the building footprint from an aerial view and the Zimas Map and took some graph paper just in case we wanted to sketch out details or more additional information and oh did we NEED that graph paper!

We completed the basic wall/room layout on our Zimas site plan base, but we realized pretty quickly that we could not log all the measurements on this plan. So, we pulled out the grid paper!

Well, these should be interesting to translate into AutoCAD (is that a 3 or a 5???) … Let’s hope we get the survey information soon to help us with our orientation and rotation!

Here is a video of our field verification trip!

Well, those dimensions cleaned up pretty nicely if I do say so myself! Stay tuned for some sketches as we work through schematic design!


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Holli Jackowski

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