Author: Bianca Rodriguez

As a project progresses over time, the drawing sets progress with it. From Schematic Design to Construction Documents, each drawing set becomes more informative and descriptive about the scope of work. For example, all your projects may have the same base detail but a few...

*Setting the scene* Polli comes into work excitingly because she has thought of something that she thinks will make modeling in the schematic phase much more efficient.   BLANCA! I totally thought of something that will make modeling easier when first working in the project! Oh! That's awesome Polli!...

Welcome back Friends! We are making great progress on our Calabasas ridgetop project and have come to the stage where the exterior finishes are being completed and the landscape trees are starting to be set in the ground. This is exciting to see and helps the project...

Hey Friends! As an architecture office we pretty much always have to be in communication with consultants to make sure the functionality of the project doesn't disrupt the design. Whether it's figuring out the best location for ductwork to run or resizing structural elements to fit...

Hello Friends! Welcome back to the last week of March. Let's carry on the goodness of sharing with another Revit Component download. This week I thought it'd be fun to share a component that we made a few years back: Big Green Egg. It's a unique...

Hello lovelies! If you saw our last post, we shared the Water Works Bond collection Revit components we made and we thought, why don't we keep the sharing going!? So this week we will be sharing the Revit components we made from Grohe: Eurocube collection. We are...

Hey Friends! To tie into our last week's post, we thought we'd share some of our Revit components that we've built. Back in 2020 we did a spotlight post on the Water Works Bond collection we had specified for our client. The collection is a very sleek...

With Valentine's Day around the corner, its time to shower the love(s) in your life with gifts, affection and food! Have an Architect-lover? We have some fun architectural theme gifts you can get for them (or yourself!) Building Your Love Wake up and smell the roses.. or...

**INHALES** Mmmmmmm, smell that? It's love in the air! With Valentine's Day right around the corner we want to share a fun idea to capture that love and smooth it out on the walls with Spoonflower wallpaper! They offer more than just wallpaper and...

In this week's post, we will carry on with our "New Year, Better Us" theme but focus on our out of office goals. I will take you on a journey through an ideal "out of office" day for a site meeting, a client meeting or...

Welcome Friends! We are in the new year and this is the time to set goals, make check lists and check those boxes! Our motto this year is "New year, same chaos, better us!" To follow that motto we set a couple goals for us in...