Author: Bianca Rodriguez

Holidays are here!!! Which means it's that time again, Hayne Holiday Wrap Party! We set two days to get our wrapping done because some of the gifts need to be shipped out! Although our first night wasn't as successful (since our magic bow tie-er was under...

Fall is here and we are here for fall! Need to help yourself or the family get into the Holiday spirit?! No worries, here@Hayne we are here to help. With a couple of easy around-the-house decorations and accessories, you can turn your home into a holiday...

Play Me! BOO! Halloween weekend is this weekend and it's time to get our spoOoky on! What better way to get in the spoOoky spirit than to visit a haunted place! Check out below some places that are known to be haunted in Los Angeles and...

Welcome back Friends! We are here in another month and spooky season has begun! To help get the festive spirit going we decided to decorate the office with Plan Bats! It was super easy and super fun! Check out how we did it below and maybe...

Hello Friends! We are ready to wrap up the month of September with one last Tips & Tricks post: Ways to have a successful Zoom call. With the pandemic slowing down, people have returned to the office and returned to somewhat a "normality." But many things...

Hello Friends! This week we are going to share some of our favorite shortcuts PDF "Find" Tool The CTRL+F shortcut brings up the "find" bar which you can quickly search for key words in the PDF. This is very helpful if you need to find something in meeting minutes...

We are back with some helpful (hopefully) tips & tricks for you to use. Have you ever clicked on a Revit component before to see what the preview image is because the name of the file is "tub"...

Hey Friends! We hope you are staying cool in this crazy heat! We know it's back to school time so we thought we'd share some tips & tricks this month. This week we want to share some of our go - to Detail Revit components we've...

Video credit: Lawless Brewery Co. Here is an awesome video of Lawless Brewery and it's great transformation! We are so thrilled with how it came out and to see them thriving! Check out the change from warehouse to brewery and go get a beer! #cheers #clinkclink Even...

Hello Friends! Last time we talked about this project we were discussing the wallpaper options in the dining room! Now we are moving along in construction and the spaces are coming together nicely. Take a look below to see how the project is progressing! Front Entry...