Author: Holli Jackowski

2016 - Clean and Simple. #haynegray 2017 - Ralph Lauren Plaid. #merryralphmas 2018 - Barbara Becker Tartan Plaid is a great backdrop! 2019 - Hayne Project Present Tower #putabowonit 2020 - Christmas inspired Toile #keepingitclassy Hmmmm...

Here at Hayne we are making our lists and checking them twice and we thought we would share some gift ideas for the Architect in your life. Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Kitchen Towels Who doesn't want to wipe their counters down with a Frank Llyod Wright dish...

Here at Hayne we are safely gathering with our family and friends to celebrate the holidays, and that means we have spent time thinking about our table set up...

Here@Hayne we love to find good quality and fun materials!  Clé Tile offers a variety of great quality, hand-made, sophisticated & fun tile options for all of our projects. Here are some of our favorites...

This week we continued working on our Reynolds Court house remodel, but we moved the design to the outside in order to link the inside and the outside for that true California-style indoor/outdoor living vibe.  The main feature will be a new pool, but there...

We are a Revit office.  And we have been a Revit office since 2012.  We have a lot of experience working in Revit!  Now Revit is not perfect, you just need to checkout our Conversations with Revit Series to see some of our recurring issues,...

Here@Hayne we have a new project on the boards and we are totally digging it! I mean, who doesn't want to work on a house with a jellyfish tank??? Here is a snapshot of the project as we move into design development and start looking...

To be white or to be blue, that is the question. Out Claremont House interior remodel project continues as we try to finalize our kitchen cabinetry.  The primary focus in this kitchen is the gorgeous French range from Lacanche.  The traditional range we are looking at...

What in the world is a STEP file? According to A STEP file is a 3D model file formatted in STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data), an ISO standard exchange format. It contains three-dimensional data in a format that can be recognized by multiple...

Every project has its own unique requirements and as such the types of drawings packages we produce can vary from a simple project with one design package to a vary complex project with upwards of six design packages, each designed for a different jurisdictional approval. ...

ONE.  It starts with a Sketch. Once we have good as-built base drawings, we pull out the yellow trace paper or vellum sheets and begin our pencil sketches.  We tend to run through a few iterations before we think we've hit on a good design and...