The Office

We love to be accurate here@HAYNE and how our new tool Enscape can show our boss, clients, or colleagues the spaces that are being designed. We love that they love it, but sometimes we think they don't get how it works. Since the infinite library...

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Hayne Architect's will travel! We recently started working on a project in Claremont California which means day trips for us in the office to verify field conditions. We leave in the morning and head back in the late afternoon and ALWAYS stop for...

Here we are in the new year trying to follow through on our New Year Resolution post and stay organized! Starting with our physical library, we have started filtering our materials and getting them in bins for easier access. Check out how we are doing!...

Another year has gone by and although we are still getting through this pandemic and whatever other madness this year has brought, we have to keep our head up high and push forward! So with that we want to share a couple of our New...

Just three days left until Christmas Day and to be ready with beautiful gifts under the tree we had our annual Hayne Holiday Wrap Party!! We pick two days usually a week apart, to have room for additional gifts that need to be purchased, to...

2016 - Clean and Simple. #haynegray 2017 - Ralph Lauren Plaid. #merryralphmas 2018 - Barbara Becker Tartan Plaid is a great backdrop! 2019 - Hayne Project Present Tower #putabowonit 2020 - Christmas inspired Toile #keepingitclassy Hmmmm...

Here at Hayne we are making our lists and checking them twice and we thought we would share some gift ideas for the Architect in your life. Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Kitchen Towels Who doesn't want to wipe their counters down with a Frank Llyod Wright dish...

Here at Hayne we are safely gathering with our family and friends to celebrate the holidays, and that means we have spent time thinking about our table set up...

One week closer to Thanksgiving (EEK!), another week to share what we are thankful for! This week we want to shout out and give thanks for the evolution of design. Seeing our projects transform from ideas to drawings to rendered views and ultimately to being built...

AHHHH! Only a couple of days are left until SpooOOooOoky Halloween is here and there you are costume-less trying to figure out what to be! Well fear no more, Hayne is here to help! This week we'll share some Halloween help by giving you four badass...