The energy efficiency of our buildings is important and one way that we verify our code compliance with current energy codes is to define the energy efficiency of our windows and doors. Here at Hayne we typically identify the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and...
Here at Hayne, we've been on deadlines for some of our commercial projects. Submittals have been interesting, to say the least! We thought we would share a couple of our experiences...
Here at Hayne, we've been on deadlines for some of our commercial projects. Submittals have been interesting, to say the least! We thought we would share a couple of our experiences...
Here at Hayne, we are moving back to a modified work schedule in the office and we've identified some key changes we've made to keep us COVID19 safe. The changes below are based on the California Department of Public Health CAL OSHA publication for recommendations...
Here at Hayne, we are on a deadline for one of our projects in Colorado and we've started to notice that the Universe might not entirely be on our side...
As we here@HAYNE continue to stay safe and work from our homes, we have come across some "things" that make our fists tighten just a bit. We had previously done a post about what our home offices look like as well as some tips for...
Hello again! We hope you are staying safe as we continue through these quarantine times. Our office continues to work remote and we were recently asked to create a fire access plan with paths that were fluid, not linear, and calculate their lengths to show they...
Construction progress continues on at our Malibu Modern Fire Rebuild! Check out the progress...