More Hats to the Madness..

Luckily the Architect made the last day of the sale and was able to get a few more hats that are going to come in handy this week! If you don’t remember where we left off from last time, click hats to refresh your memory.. (and eat blueberries they are good for memory too). Okay, let’s see what the Architect has to get through this time!


The Architect comes into the office after lunch to get ready for the meeting with a consultant. During this meeting, the consultant points out a couple of problems that also conflict with the design intent.



Putting on the strong yet cute Problem- Solver headband, the Architect whips out some trace paper and a pencil and begins to work out the issues with the consultant to have it work properly as well as keeping the design as intended!

After the meeting, the Architect gets a call from another consultant saying that half their staff is going on vacation next week so they need the base drawings by the end of day in order to return their drawings for submittal at the end of the week! The Architect takes a deep breath then pulls out the Magician hat to make some magic happen!



The Architect is magically able to get the base drawings ready for release with an hour to spare!! (All you have to do is believe.. and be incredibly efficient). Now that the base drawings are out they should be ready to submit next week.

Our consultant was able to return their drawings by the end of the week and now it is a new week with new challenges and tasks. First on the task list is to get the project submitted! Sounds easy right?.. you would be surprised!

The Architect puts the Fortune Teller hat on to help predict and guide the Intern on what to do at the City. The Architect sees that will be no problems and it will go smoothly. “Easy-Peezy,” says the Architect… Tune in next week to see how accurate the Architect is…


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Bianca Rodriguez

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