More to the Mad Hatter..

Looks like our Architect had to go to the Hat store and pick up some more hats to put on in the office. If you are a bit confused then click hats to see a previous blog post about a day in the small architecture office where the Architect swaps “hats” according to the situation… and now there are more roles our Architect has to play.  So let’s see what we bought!

The Architect is woken up before the alarm by the constant blings from the phone. Rolling over and checking what the blings are about, the Architect springs up after seeing several emails from the client about a project’s budget, costs and feels that they are being taken advantage of!

The Architect quickly puts the Forensic Accountant goggles on to take a look at the project’s budgeting to address the client’s concerns and make sure things are being charged correctly.


The Architect is now getting into work and sees a co-worker about to punch the computer straight in the monitor! The Architect quickly comes by to see what the trouble is and it turns out the co-worker could not get onto the shared office hard-drive.

The Architect then puts the IT Guy headset on (and “guy” in “IT Guy” doesn’t mean male.. IT Guy can be a girl.. which is often the case at the Hayne Office) to figure out what the issue is and save the computer from a scary beating. There it is! The computer is reconnected and ready for use! But before the Architect can sign in on the computer another problem has surfaced!


A call from another co-worker comes in about how they need the submittal drawing set from last month because the planner is asking for them. LAST MONTH!? So much has happened since then, how is the Architect suppose to find them!?

Trying to quickly find this drawing set, the Architect puts on the scavenger hat headband dead crow thing (Johnny Depp inspired) and thinks of where they could be… AH HAH! A clue! There is a label on the desk with the name of project and the correct date from last month.. looking around that desk under other drawings …  they appear!! The Architect rolls them up and uses that label found to tag them so they are easier to find next time. It is amazing what staying organized can do!

Well it only is 10:30 and the Architect has the rest of the day to get through. Stay tuned to see what other hats come about.. I heard the Hat Store is having a sale next week…


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Bianca Rodriguez

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