New Year, Same Sh*t, Better Us? Hayne Office Goals for 2024

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, of what, is an empty desk the a sign?

Albert Einstien

Space for different “clutter”.

Hayne Architects

One. Better Drawing Storage

Despite our best efforts to go digital, we are still paper hoarders and the plan sets pile up. We currently stack plans on any open surface or in a rolling cart that is often in the way! Goal, get those plan sets off the desk and out of our walking path and build storage under the desk… sort of like wine storage cabinets, but for plans… and maybe some wine… 😉

Two. Under Desk Shelving for Material Baskets and Project Binders

Like the drawing sets, we have project material baskets and project binders that clutter up our workstations. By adding some under desk shelving we can clear up some usable desk space and “neatly” store our project reference information. Maybe this year we can move towards digital “binders”… #pipedream

Three. Underdesk Storage Drawers

Let’s get all of our sketching, drawing, clipping, stapling, tape, and other miscellaneous tools we use off of our desktop and into some drawers, preferably ones that have wheels, but even stationary ones will do!

The Ikea Alex drawer unit looks like it might be a perfect solution!

Four. Move from a Physical to a Cloud Server

Here at Hayne, we have a central computer server, her name is Marge. She has been with us through 3 office moves, two of which were in Malibu on the PCH with its nice salty air. She has served her time, she is tired, and it is time for her to rest. Do you hear that MR. IT?

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Holli Jackowski

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