Office Time!

Here at Hayne, we are moving back to a modified work schedule in the office and we’ve identified some key changes we’ve made to keep us COVID19 safe.  The changes below are based on the California Department of Public Health CAL OSHA publication for recommendations for offices.


Put up educational flyers explaining new office rules or guidelines.  You can find some ready-made flyers to print from the Center for Disease Control website.

Get your office flyers here!

Some information that we think is important to educate our employees (all 6 of us) about were the common symptoms associated with COVID-19 and personal protection measures to help prevent the spread of the virus.



Another good thing to be aware of is how the symptoms compare to other forms of being sick such as the cold or flu. Check out this chart from MedicineNet to better understand the similarities and differences.


If these graphics don’t tickle your fancy, you can always make your own signage!


Now that you know the facts and the best preventative measures you need to make sure that you participate.

Great job Holli! Thank you so much for participating!

Here at Hayne, we made sure we were stocked up on hand soap (industrial strength if you please), disinfectant spray, and cleaning products to keep our space clean in between our professional office cleaning once a week, and cloth face coverings (thank you baby blue bandanas!).  This way we will always be prepared!

We also set up an order for personal office equipment.  This way we won’t have to share a common stapler, tape or scissors!

It’s good to encourage the employees to wash their hands often, so we created our own signage to post by the wash stations to encourage and remind everyone!

**Please be mindful of your co-workers and their humor level when creating any office signs.**


Make sure your workstations are separated by a minimum of 6′-0″!  Here at Hayne, we have generous work stations already, but we checked our layout to make sure we complied!

Don’t have the required separation?  Try a new office layout or add some partitions between your desks.  Want to keep the visual of an open office?  Try some plexiglass partitions!  Want something a little more fun??  Try colored plexiglass instead of clear!

With everyone doing their part, we can AND will get through this!

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Holli Jackowski

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