Our Sierra Towers project is moving into construction, and as we start demolition to field verify some existing conditions (like drain pipe and mechanical ductwork locations) we spent some time refining our cabinetry designs. As we’ve talked about previously, our current work-flow is to create assemblies with individual components.
This project is cabinetry heavy and there were a lot of assemblies to create and layout, so we ended up creating a separate cabinetry package.
We began with a quick first pass, which basically included creating and naming the assemblies, generating views and laying those view out on sheets. This first pass of the cabinetry was rough and ready to bleed… I mean be red-lined by Matt Stokes in our office.
Today we will focus on the Master Closet cabinetry, as it was one of the bloodiest!
In order to accurately complete these redlines, we needed to rebuild pieces of the cabinetry with new components and create new components. The building blocks we used to complete this cabinet assembly is from the NAAWS library. We modified many of the standard components to add some flexibility to the family, such as the thickness of the cabinet shell, toe kick height, toe kick depth and element visibility.