Dear Revit Assembly views,
oh, how I loathe thee.
Let me count the ways.
You turn lime-ass green,
any other shade would be better.
like why?
Not only are you lime-ass green,
but you are also slightly transparent.
what is the point of that?
like why?
You automatically generate views with the click of a button,
and that’s great, but…
you won’t let me edit any of the family elements.
how do I know I want a 3/16″ reveal instead of a 1/4″ until I zoom into you?
like why?
and what happened to my modify controls?
why won’t you let me align elements?
like why?
and why can’t I adjust my detail linework by changing the dimensions?
you work perfectly in any other view, but
in you… you Assembly View
you make me adjust my linework manually
like I’m in Autocad…
like why?
like why?