as builts Tag

Hey there Halloween friends! SpooOOoky time Halloween is right around the corner and what better way to get ready than telling scary stories! So gather around and get ready to hear the scariest thing of all.. as-builts!!! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUN* The Crack House Photo by Jonathan Gonzalez on Unsplash Once...

Here@Hayne, we primarily focus on custom residential projects, but every once and awhile we like to explore new typologies. We've already introduced you to a Nordic Spa we are working on in Colorado, now we would like to showcase the start-up for a new project: a...

YAY! As-builts, I love them.. said no one ever! But in the architecture world you will find yourself coming across them pretty often. What does make us happy, from as-builts, is when we figure things out or make sense of them. We will give you an example...

Hello everyone! So let's talk about that thing that makes everyone a little bit uncomfortable.. As-built drawings! In our office we sometimes get projects that don't have current drawing information or it is older which could mean it is not accurate and here@Hayne we like accurate!...