design Tag

Here@Hayne, we primarily focus on custom residential projects, but every once and awhile we like to explore new typologies. We've already introduced you to a Nordic Spa we are working on in Colorado, now we would like to showcase the start-up for a new project: a...

Oh hey! Did you think we forgot about you!?! We would NEVER! Just been a little busy in the office but we are excited to share some updates with you! Our neighboring projects in Toluca Lake are going strong and we want show you what's been going...

I know it's been a while, our office has been in high gear as we prepped & coordinated a large submittal in Douglas County Colorado and the blog took a back seat. #priorities That said, a recent issue in the office prompted this week's post. A...

Continuing through May, here is a status update on our  Sea Level Project in Malibu.  We have FINALLY started construction on the Phase 2 remodel which will completely change the front Facade of this 80's architectural Beauty! [caption id="attachment_3356" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Someone get that man a Martini!...

Let's be honest. When we first entered this wonderful profession called architecture we were not thinking "Wohoo! Excel spread sheets for days!". The numbers were not the exciting part (and not really highlighted in our schooling), but estimated costs of construction are important for every project...