design Tag

After every meeting and site visit here at Hayne we generate Meeting Minutes or Field Reports to be distributed to the project team.  This creates a record of decisions made during the design phase (i.e. eliminated the sink in the lower level bar) and/or the...

Can you also smell that in the air? Yup, me too. It smells like our Sierra Towers project is close to completion! We are excited every week to see this project come closer to being done and enjoyed by our client! This is where we left off...

Hey Friends!   It's a been some time since we've updated you on our Bellagio project. We last left off with the framing exposed and the insane amount of wood used to frame the space! But things have progressed. Walls have moved and drywall has gone up....

A JOURNEY FROM SKETCH TO 3D. All projects begin the same way here at Hayne, with some yellow trace paper and a pencil.  From there, by identifying the project restrictions, Robbin Hayne will use layers and layers of trace (most of which end up crumpled on...

Hayne Architects will Travel! We have a new project on the boards and the boss man recently made a field trip to Port Townsend Washington to meet on site with the client! 2-dimensional information can only take us so far when we start designing...

We are zooming in on the details at our interior remodel project in Claremont California and it's all about millwork, moldings, paint and wallpaper layouts! The dining room in the house has two existing built-in corner cabinets that are being refinished and we are adding a...

Hillside homes can be very tricky to design. You want to try to balance cut and fill, allowing the house to follow with the hillside rather than just carving out a flat pad and sticking a two-story house on it (definitely not site appropriate)....

Hey friends! Carrying over from our last weeks post, we thought we'd also welcome our Claremont Club's big brother: The Old Clubhouse to the project board! This is a very cool historic 1920's home that is being renovated to a bar and lounge area with some...

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2016 - Clean and Simple. #haynegray 2017 - Ralph Lauren Plaid. #merryralphmas 2018 - Barbara Becker Tartan Plaid is a great backdrop! 2019 - Hayne Project Present Tower #putabowonit 2020 - Christmas inspired Toile #keepingitclassy Hmmmm...