YAY! As-builts, I love them.. said no one ever!
But in the architecture world you will find yourself coming across them pretty often. What does make us happy, from as-builts, is when we figure things out or make sense of them. We will give you an example...
Continuing our February LOVEFEST, lets talk about the power of BIM and the quick production of 3D views. Not everyone can look at a 2D drawing (plan or elevation) and understand the 3 dimensional space. Why not use those super detailed BIM models to create...
It is the first month of the new year and that means its time to set goals and plan for what's ahead. Here in our office, after our office purge, we decided to organize and set up a system for the active projects. We are...
Don't worry folks, we will get you updated on our awesome Ridge House project soon. First, let's take a quick break and give you a peak of how we do things Here@HAYNE! Our spa project in Colorado, Castle Pines Refuge, has moved through Design Development...