hayne architects Tag

Hope everyone had a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! In honor of the holiday, this week we had our Hayne Team pick out their favorite green color. Along with the color, is an image of it used in a space. Take a look below and...

Keeping with our "green" theme this month, let's talk about LEED certification! Our Boss-Man himself is LEED certified. What does that mean, you ask? Well let me tell you. LEED, or Leadship in Energy and Environmental Design, is an internationally recognized green building certification system and the...

Today we are going to show some love to one of our favorite systems to incorporate in our projects, LiveRoof and LiveWall.  These are both modular systems designed with integrated irrigation that are pre-planted, so when they are installed they are lush and full!  No...

YAY! As-builts, I love them.. said no one ever! But in the architecture world you will find yourself coming across them pretty often. What does make us happy, from as-builts, is when we figure things out or make sense of them. We will give you an example...