05 Sep The Hayne Way: Snapshot of my last 30 days in Revit.
Revit is definitely our workhorse here at Hayne! Let’s look at my usage insights for the last 30 days in Revit and see where I spent all of my time…

Most of my time was spent actually MODELING in Revit. This is definitely not a shocker! We like to build our models for “real” and spend time making sure our assemblies and systems are working by actually putting them in! Also, this past month, we spent a lot of modeling time putting in a new project from sketch to 3D… stay tuned for some fun new project updates!
TIED for Second Place: MODEL ANNOTATION & OTHER at 19%

The second largest chunk of time was spent ANNOTATING. We have been moving more and more towards keynoting and tagging as our primary form of annotation. I would be interested to dig through some past usage reports to see if there is a change in the time spent annotating from the analog method to the keynote method… Hmmm…

It looks like I spent the same amount of time doing OTHER… What exactly is OTHER?? I have no idea!

Navigating and interacting with the Revit User Interface (UI) took the next spot with 8%. I guess I like to touch the buttons on the toolbar quite a bit…

7% of my time was spent SKETCHING. We like to build our models as detailed as we can without getting too clunky. We use detail components when we can’t bring in 3D components that are overly complex or very small. Masking regions are so 2016 Holli so I would assume a lot of this sketching time was spent creating and modifying my new favorite site tool… Toposolids!

And last, but not least, I spent 6% of my time DETAILING (DOCUMENTATION). It would be interesting to compare last month’s stats here, as I think it would be much heavier in the DETAILING usage with two projects being prepped for submittal and construction, but as I said earlier we spent a large chunk of this month putting a new project into Revit…
I wonder if I can find any other program stats… like how much time I spend waiting for Adobe Acrobat to “start responding”… JK, but not really…
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