The Universe versus your Deadline

Here at Hayne, we are on a deadline for one of our projects in Colorado and we’ve started to notice that the Universe might not entirely be on our side…  You know what we’re talking about.  Those random things that only seem to happen when you need to get things done, like hitting every stoplight on your way to a very important meeting and you’re late.  Here’s some of the “randomness” that happens to us on deadline:

One: The Computer Slowdown

We’ve been working remotely for some time now, and for the most part, things are working well, but it seems that as soon as you decide you need to get something done your computer decides it needs a break.  Sometimes you just get the blue spinning circle of death.  Sometimes your programs crash and you, of course, forgot to save your work.  And sometimes the program that your working in just decides it’s taking a leisurely walk on the beach somewhere… You know who you are Powerpoint…

Two: Another Project has an Emergency

You thought you had everything covered.  You thought that everything was going smoothly on your other projects so you would have time to dedicate to your deadline.  HaHa!  You putz!  That project you thought was getting stamped and the contractor was going to be able to pull permits needs a last-minute detail that was never mentioned anywhere in the correction sheet and they needed it yesterday!  Looks like you need to pivot from your deadline…

Three: The MIA Client pops up

It’s a new day.  I’m having a cup of coffee and going through my to-do list for my deadline and BAM!  Look whos back!  Remember that Client who was missing for the last two months…  They just came back and are very anxious to pick right back up where you left off…  Hmmm, I’m sure I could spare some time to keep them happy…

Four: You forgot to add your “Fudge Factor”

You learned this in school.  In your head, you thought you would be able to quickly export floor plans and elevations from your awesome Rhino Model (this was before my REVIT days) so why do it tonight.  I can do it tomorrow morning before the review… Yeah right!  You need to export, edit and lay those drawings out and that takes FOREVER!

This is where the “Fudge Factor” comes in.  You multiply the hours your head thinks it will take to accomplish a task by your “Fudge Factor”.   Like when your client asked you last week if you could have the full bid set ready this week you didn’t even hesitate to say “Yes” and now you are freaking out because you know there is at least two more weeks of work left before it will be ready… Oh, Fudge!

Five: Outside Forces at work

Outside forces are always at work against you on the deadline. The printer is closed early for a holiday that you didn’t even know existed.  The school called, and you need to pick up your sick son.  The internet goes down and you can’t work remotely.  Your in-laws just showed up at the front door… Mwahahahahaha! #2020

What are some of the things that happen to you when you’re on deadline?

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Holli Jackowski

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