Things we love.. NOT: WTF (What The Fascia)!?

Things we love: Progress on projects!… things we love NOT: Wrong finishes on materials!

We are excited to update you on our Ridge House project in Calabasas. The spaces are really starting to read and the volumes are looking right but after stepping onsite you can’t help but say WTF!!? The fascia board finish doesn’t match the plans! It’s a good thing we take the time to think about materials and their finishes to design a project, but what is NOT good is when the specifications aren’t followed.

Anyway, take a peak below and check out the progress!

Look at that stained fas… oh wait, that’s paint!
Love to see that skeleton in place!
What great photoshop skills.. oh that’s real?.. oh okay.
I feel so zen right now.
This beauty is coming to life!
Now this Great Room is making rooms great again!
I just got zen again.
I spy with my little eye.. something GREEN!
Oh so beautiful as it slightly peaks out on the top of the ridge.

Well hope you enjoyed the update! Stay tuned as we continue to share updates and things we love… NOT! Let us know of things you love NOT too!

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Bianca Rodriguez

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